Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Lakme Fashion Week 2015

Oh How I Wish I Was There!!!

Once again Lakme Fashion Week has come and gone.  Sigh. Well, it's a little difficult to be there, besides the fact I live in Florida, USA, and it takes place in India-where else would it be?

Okay, enough self pity and onto the show!

It looked pretty nice and a lot of Indo-Western wear. As for the sarees there wasn't a riot of colour-boohoo-but rather "adult" (I wasn't there, so how would I know???).  Okay, I digress, now the standout collection, in my very, very humble opinion, was from Gauri Khan.  Yes, that Gauri Khan. It's pretty bold and I wanted a few to add to my wardrobe. As a side note, I had to reread who the collection was from because I couldn't believe it, and yeah, she got some design skills.

Here's a few pics I gleaned from the internet, and maybe, just maybe, one day I will be in India covering the show.

I can dream can't I?

Gauri Khan

Vaishali S

Gaurang Shah

Mandira Bedi

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